Application Process
- Closely review the program guidelines.
- Contact Invest DSM to schedule a consultation to discuss proposed projects and develop project specifics before submitting an application. You should have the following information available for the consultation:
- Details on the existing condition of the property, its ownership and occupancy, and the code violation status
- A preliminary Sources and Uses Statement that includes:
- Acquisition cost (if applicable)
- A preliminary scope of work and construction budget
- An estimate of post-project rental rates, per unit
- Any immediate health and safety concerns
- For additions, floor plan changes, or deconversions, schematic concept drawings, if available. (Please note that final drawings for these types of projects must be done by a licensed architect.)
- Receive a preliminary letter of eligibility or denial from Invest DSM staff.
- Submit a formal application for the Rental Rehab Program.
Sign your Grant Agreement and receive the green light to begin work!