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Homeowner Interest Form

This program is designed to encourage homeowners to Invest in their homes through renovation projects that improve the curb appeal, functionality, and marketability of their homes by offering a financial partnership in the form of forgivable loans/grants. Homeowners who are interested in making renovations to their homes should fill out the following initial interest form that outlines the improvements you wish to make.

"*" indicates required fields

Contact Information

Homeowner Name*
Homeowner Name 2
Property Address*
Have you used the Homeowner Renovation Program before?*

Project Information

How do you plan to finance the project?*

Homeowners will be responsible for providing proof of financial commitment prior to beginning work on approved projects. Invest DSM will provide reimbursement for the approved cost share amount after completion of the project.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 5.
    You may also include photos of similar finished projects to demonstrate the scope of your proposal.

    Important Next Steps

    After you submit this initial interest form, we will contact you to go over details and schedule a pre-inspection if your project qualifies for the program. You may be asked to make modifications to your proposal and resubmit for additional consideration.

    If you have questions about your eligibility or program details, please contact us at (515) 221-8410 or

    Submitting this form does not obligate you in any way and is no guarantee of funds from Invest DSM.

    Thank you for your interest and we hope to work with you soon!