For people who want to experience spectacular views of downtown with all the amenities of a real neighborhood, Columbus Park offers the perfect lifestyle.
Pop over the bridge for work and downtown events, or stay home and cycle or walk around Columbus Park, a citywide draw for families and friends. Shop in our historic Italian-American businesses and grab a bite in our restaurants. Make your home here in one of our affordable single-family houses with big back yards, a modern mid-rise apartment, or state-of-the-art new homes.
2022 Results
in investment through grant programs
projects completed
Strategies that are recommended for citywide application
Strategies that should expand beyond the SID to surrounding areas
Special Investment District (SID)
Strategies that should be confined to the SID
- Establish a brand and marketing strategy consistent with the neighborhood’s core brand attributes and target markets
- Create new financing tools to support improvements to commercial properties within the Special Investment District
- Improve alley maintenance and use as a platform for resident engagement and collaboration
- Synchronize infrastructure upgrades with residential and commercial redevelopment
- Ensure that Columbus Park (the park itself) remains a vibrant and inclusive park for community residents of all ages to gather, play, and interact
- Begin enforcement of the Property Improvement Code (expanding PIC beyond rental properties)
- Establish a dedicated, in-house junk and debris crew
- Create new financing tools to stimulate housing improvements that enhance marketability and property values
- Make blighted nuisance properties a priority for Blitz on Blight resources
- Removal of deteriorated fencing from private properties
- Organize a one-time “Mini-SCRUB” pilot event
- Establish the area around Jackson and SE 1st as the center of an emerging commercial district with potential to express Italian-American heritage
- Create new financing tools to support improvements to commercial properties within the Special Investment District
- Establish a Neighborhood Business District Resource Team
- Create new financing tools to stimulate housing improvements that enhance marketability and property values
- Perform strategic code enforcement activities
- Improve and expand training/support for neighborhood leaders and leadership development
- Establish a brand and marketing strategy consistent with the neighborhood’s core brand attributes and target markets
- Improve alley maintenance and use as a platform for resident engagement and collaboration
- Tie existing or new neighborhood pride activities to core brand attributes