Franklin Area

For people who want a vibrant, family-friendly community with character near downtown employment and amenities, the Franklin Area offers the best of city and suburban life.

We are located at the juncture of the Beaverdale and Waveland Park neighborhoods, and neighbors here walk, bike and drive on leafy streets to iconic local gathering spots and convenient shopping districts. Franklin offers an active lifestyle, great schools, and spacious yards for kids and dogs.


Charming homes on tree-lined streets with friendly neighbors

Top-rated schools, convenient location

Walk and bike to neighborhood icons including Snookie’s, Waveland Cafe, the Franklin Avenue Library, and the re-activated Franklin Jr. High

2022 Results


in investment through grant programs


projects completed



Strategies that are recommended for citywide application


Strategies that should expand beyond the SID to surrounding areas

Special Investment District (SID)

Strategies that should be confined to the SID

  • Apply complete streets principles and traffic calming measures, especially to upcoming street reconstruction and improvement projects
  • Create new financing tools to support improvements to commercial properties within and adjacent to the Franklin Area
  • Establish a Neighborhood Business District Resource Team
  • Apply complete streets principles and traffic calming measures, especially to upcoming street reconstruction and improvement projects
  • Create new financing tools to support improvements to commercial properties within and adjacent to the Franklin Area
  • Improve sidewalk network for walkability and pedestrian safety
  • Tie existing or new neighborhood pride activities to core brand attributes
  • Expand awareness and appreciation for area’s period architecture
  • Establish a Franklin Area brand that aligns with core brand attributes and target markets
  • Begin enforcement of the Property Improvement Code (expanding PIC beyond rental properties)
  • Establish a dedicated, in-house junk and debris crew
  • Expand awareness and appreciation for area’s period architecture
  • Create new financing tools to stimulate housing improvements that enhance marketability and property values
  • Make blighted nuisance properties a priority for rehabilitation (or demolition when necessary)
  • Perform strategic code enforcement activities
  • Organize a one-time “Mini-SCRUB” pilot event
  • Improve and expand training/support for neighborhood leaders and leadership development
  • Tie existing or new neighborhood pride activities to core brand attributes
  • Begin enforcement of the Property Improvement Code (expanding PIC beyond rental properties)
  • Expand awareness and appreciation for area’s period architecture
  • Create new financing tools to stimulate housing improvements that enhance marketability and property values
  • Perform strategic code enforcement activities
  • Improve and expand training/support for neighborhood leaders and leadership development
  • Tie existing or new neighborhood pride activities to core brand attributes
  • Designate Special Investment District as target area for affordable homeownership and rehab activities

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